Glassware Technician

Wordpress Link

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated February 5, 2017 at 10:46 AM by alec_barron
Post a link to your WordPress "Glassware Technician" blog category.
Artifact 1: Glassware cleaning
Produce an infographic or a 3 minute video that describes the proper technique for cleaning glassware to reduce possible experimental errors.  The infographic or video must include a description for the following items:
  • Soap use
  • Brush use
  • Techniques for specific glassware:
    • Beakers
    • Graduated Cylinders
  • Rinsing
  • Deionized Water Rinse
  • Drying
  • Acid washes (Only under approved teacher supervision)
  • Efficiency

Artifact 2: Work area safety
Produce an infographic or a 3 minute video that describes the proper technique for cleaning glassware to reduce possible experimental errors.  The infographic or video must include a description for the following items:
  • How to properly dispose of waste from a laboratory investigation
  • Knowledge of where laboratory equipment should go in the classroom.
  • How to wash lab surfaces.
  • Remove unnecessary items in the laboratory
  • Washes hands after labs
Artifact 3: Reflection
Post a photo or a short video from real laboratory work that represents your expertise in this badge.  It could be on your capacity to keep the work area safe or how to clean glassware.  Write a description of how the photo or video represents your expertise.  Also, explain how this expertise might be useful in another endeavor, such as: cooking, music, or health care.