Data Decoder 2


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  • Last updated January 21, 2017 at 11:58 AM by alec_barron
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Artifact 1: Data Decoding Check

  • Artifacts from published research will be presented as questions that you must answer accurately.  These questions will assess your capacity to do the following:
    • Extrapolate from data points in a table or graph.
    • Interpolate between data points in a table or graph.
    • Use r2 to comment on the goodness-of-fit of a graphical model.

Artifact 2: Summary of Results

  • Write a summary of results for a graph that you find or produced (e.g., calculated concentration of an unknown or predicted the growth phase of a bacterial colony) to interpret data where you must decode the data as described in the expectations:
    • Extrapolate from data points in a table or graph.
    • Interpolate between data points in a table or graph.
    • Use r2 to comment on the goodness-of-fit of a graphical model.

Artifact 3: Prediction

  • Draw a prediction of what a graph might look like from a data set in a table and/or knowledge of the types of relationships between two variables (e.g., concentration vs. absorbance or growth over time).
  • Reflection
    1. Write a description of how you made this prediction and explain the type of relationship you see between the data points (e.g., direct or inverse).
    2. Describe how graphs are useful for making meaning out of data.