Data Decoder 1


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  • Last updated December 22, 2016 at 3:52 PM by alec_barron
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Artifact 1: Data Decoding Test

  • Artifacts from published research will be presented and questions will prompt you to do the following:
    • Identify basic features of a table, graph, or diagram (headings, units, labels).
    • Select a single piece of data (numerical or nonnumerical) from a simple data presentation.
    • Determine how the value of one variable changes as the value of another variable changes.
    • Identify and/or use a simple mathematical relationship between data (i.e. direct, inverse, positive, negative, linear, logarithmic, exponential).

Artifact 2: Summary of Results

Note: A summary of a data representation should not include any of your own opinions.
  1. Include a screenshot of the data representation.
  2. Describe the purpose of the data representation.
  3. What story is the data telling you?
    1. Describe the following components:
      1. Variables tested
      2. Relationships between variables
      3. Features of the data (i.e., maxes, mins, and trends).
  4. Why do you think a scientist selected this format (e.g., bar graph, data table, scatter plot, or diagram) to communicate the data?