Nicole Beardsley


Teachers deserve differentiated PD

  • June 13, 2016 at 3:29 PM
  • Visible to public
Our Saturday PD offered a mixture of information-getting (attendees heard myself and my co-presenter discuss big ideas like SAMR, flipped learning, HyperDocs and more), and then chose their own adventure of how they wanted to spend the rest of the morning. There were four stations set up that attendees could choose from: two stations were self-guided HyperDocs we created for attendees to learn at their own pace about YouTube in the Classroom and Screencasting. My co-presenter and I then lead two other stations, one about creating HyperDocs, the other about digital tools in the classroom (Blendspace, EdPuzzle, Zaption). Attendees were encouraged to chose which topic interested them most, were free to move about amongst the two rotation times (not tied to just one topic the entire time). At the end, we created a survey to see where they wanted to dig deeper for the last half hour of "Sandbox" time. We created breakout groups based on their responses. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and many people commented on how they appreciated this approach to PD, not just another "sit and get".