
Show us how you are learning from home.

In support of @jcorippo, I am holding down the fort. My list is long, but not too long for streaming sessions and stalking the #!

  • March 19, 2015 at 6:50 AM
  • Last updated about 9 years ago
  • Visible to public
The long list for the Corippo end of week schedule includes two Vball car pools, a Christian concert, pt appt, and a Vball tourney - all before Saturday! In addition to work (we don't really call it that around here<3) and school, I will be streaming Spring Cue sessions continually. Ted talks and Dance Moms (I know, YUCK) are getting bumped on the commute and Apple TV's in each room. Streaming is loaded and ready to go (can't find where to insert this screenshot). Let the streaming and distance learning begin! It's worked for me through many a soccer, football, Vball season! Hmmm....guessing the spirit of the badge is to complete the task first, but I may be too busy connecting with other #notatcue groupies. I can update this in a few days. See you all on the #!