Sidekiq Private

Badge List Coders

Holders have demonstrated a basic understanding of how the sidekiq gem is used in the Badge List app.

Required Evidence

Evidence of Mastery

Come up with a creative way to prove that you've mastered this topic (as outlined in the badge overview) and post your evidence here. More Info

Badge Overview

How to earn this badge

This badge is a stub. We need to build it out more as a team. Please help improve it.

Here's how it works:
  • First of all if you don't yet know how the Sidekiq gem works and how it is used (in conjunction with Redis) to enable background threads in the Badge List app, teach yourself. There is a wiki page of resources available here: #Resources. Use that as a starting point and help improve the resources page by adding links to any tutorials, videos or references that you find valuable. Also, we should build out documentation on BL-specific parts here: #Background-Threads-in-BL.
  • Come up with a creative (and preferably fun) way to prove that you've mastered the basics Sidekiq, delayed jobs and BL background threads. Then post your evidence to the generic requirement on this badge.
  • Once you've been awarded the badge you'll be able to edit this overview and the badge requirements. Everybody who earns the badge should take a crack at improving the structure of the badge.

This is a private badge

The contents of this badge are only visible to group members..