BL Frontend Fundamentals Private

Badge List Coders

Holders have demonstrated a solid understanding of the core interfaces and components that make up Badge List's frontend codebase.

Required Evidence

Evidence of Mastery

Come up with a creative way to prove that you've mastered this topic (as outlined in the badge overview) and post your evidence here. More Info

Badge Overview

How to earn this badge

This badge is a stub. We need to build it out more as a team. Please help improve it. To earn this badge, get trained on everything needed code new Badge List polymer pages. Then help improve the badge by tackling a couple items from the to do list below or adding to the list. Then when you've mastered all of the basics, you'll need to come up with a creative way of providing evidence of your mastery.

To Do:
  • Build documentation of the different badge list layouts: app, web, embed and legacy >> #Layouts-Overview
  • Build documentation of app.html.erb and all of its features >> #App-Layout
  • Build documentation of bl-app-container and all of its features >> #bl-app-container
  • Build documentation of how Badge List app headers work (especially the condensible header panel things) >> #App-Headers
  • Document other miscellaneous components which are essential to all flows (the more complex ones, like bl-list, will have their own separate badges): bl-button, ???

This is a private badge

The contents of this badge are only visible to group members..