Web Components Public

Team Badge List

Badge holders have mastered the basics of Custom Web Components.

Required Evidence

Web Component Basics Codelab

Provide a screenshot of your customized Codelab result More Info


Provide answers to the questions posed in the Badge Overview section. More Info

Badge Overview


Web Components are a Web Standard for building custom elements for frontend applications.  They are based on three evolving web standards:

  * Custom Elements
  * Shadow DOM
  * HTML Templates

At Badgelist, we use a couple of libraries (lit-element and lit-html) that provide a thin layers on top of these web standards, and so it is very helpful to understand the base on which those libraries are built on.

LitElement and lit-html will take care of a lot of boilerplate and provide utilities to make it easier to work with web components. Each of these will have their own badge learning-modules.


The documentation at Mozilla's MDN is fairly comprehensive about the many parts that make up Web Components, in addition to pointing to a few examples.

Make sure to visit the page and refer to the various sections to get a good overview of Web Components and related concepts.
  * [Web Components Documentation - MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components)

Make sure to go throught the tutorials on the three main parts of web components
  * [Custom Elements](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components/Using_custom_elements)
  * [Shadow DOM](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components/Using_shadow_DOM)
  * [HTML Templates](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components/Using_templates_and_slots)

Here's collection of web component code examples from MDN:
  * [Web Components: from zero to hero](https://dev.to/thepassle/web-components-from-zero-to-hero-4n4m)
  * [web component examples](https://github.com/mdn/web-components-examples)

Complete the following CodeLabs

Work through the following codelab to get a more hands-on understanding on the basics of Web Components. 

** When you finish the codelab, customize the text of the 'cool-heading' and also it's color and then capture a snapshot of this result and upload this snapshot evidence here.
  * [Web Components basics - open-wc codelab](https://open-wc.org/codelabs/basics/web-components.html?index=/codelabs/#0)

Answer these Questions:

Provide simple answers to the following few questions

  * What is ::part() css pseudo-element useful for?
  * What actions can be performed during the lifecycle callback: connectedCalback?
  * What is the purpose of shadowDOM?
  * If you want to peek/query inside the ShadowDOM using DOM api methods, which element in the ShadowDOM do you hook into?
  * Can you give an example for what you'd use the <slot> tag for?

Badge Experts


Bridger Zoske


Badge awarded on 12/20/19

Stephanie Caulley


Badge awarded on 12/20/19

Badge Learners