Swagger JS Client Public

Team Badge List

Badge holders have demonstrated a working understanding of the Swagger JS client.

Required Evidence


Solve this learning challenge by posting a code snippet. More Info

Badge Overview

Pre-Requisites & Context

You should complete the Open API v2 Standard badge (https://www.badgelist.com/team/open-api-v2) before starting this one.

We use v2 of the Swagger JS client as the sole way of communicating between the frontend Polymer app and the backend Rails API server. The Swagger JS client basically provides a full-featured asynchronous promise-powered javascript client which is dynamically generated directly from the Swagger JSON file generated by the backend. This means that new backend operations are automatically available to the frontend with no additional frontend code.

Before starting this badge you should make sure that you are familiar with asynchronous javascript in general and javascript promises as well.

How to earn this badge

  1. Read the Swager JS readme file: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-js/tree/2.x (Note: The 2.x branch contains the latest Swagger 2.0 focused version of the client.)
  2. Solve the #Challenge
  3. Request feedback

Badge Experts


Guensie Grecy


Badge awarded on 1/18/19

Juan Ochoa


Badge awarded on 2/3/19

Badge Learners