Contentful API Public

Team Badge List

Badge holders understand how to query the APIs of the Contentful content management system.

Required Evidence


Solve this learning challenge by posting a link to your branch in Github. There's no need to initiate a pull request. More Info

Badge Overview

(This badge is a work in progress)


Contentful is an API-first CMS Platform that allows static sites to create, manage and distribute content to any platform or device.


Make sure to complete the Rails MVC Frontend Dev badge before starting this one:


Watch these videos to get a feel for the Contentful CMS platform.
  • [Bits & Bytes Ep. 1 - What is Contentful? - YouTube]( )
  • [Contentful 101 - YouTube]( )
  • [Deliciously Content - YouTube]( )
  • [Bits & Bytes Ep. 8 - Exploring the Contentful API from the docs - YouTube]( )
  • [Bits & Bytes Ep. 7 - Creating a preview environment using the Preview API - YouTube]( )
Read through these documents and guides to understand the Contentful Rails API.

BL Rails MVC Static apps primarily make use of the Content Delivery API, so you'll find information in the Docs here:


Task Overview:
You will be querying the Contentful API to grab a list of articles currently
available in the Badgelist Contentful account, and displaying them in a
simple format (think similar to HackerNews simplicity).

1 - Create a new local branch, and a remote branch on github that mirrors your
local branch.  This remote branch will be used for evidence of your work when
requesting feedback. The format of the branch name will be similar to that used
in the `rails-mvc` badge:
  - `000-contentful-badge-USERNAME`
  - replace USERNAME with your github username

2 - There is already a Contentful singleton-object you can use to query the API.  Browse
over the existing project to see how the API is used, in addition to the ruby API
documentation on Contentful website.

3 - Update the 'badge_challenge' view that you created in the 'rails-mvc'
badge, and have it list all the articles available on the Badgelist Contentful
acct in a simple format like the HackerNews UI.

4. When done:
  • Push your changes up to your remote branch mirror
  • Paste a link to the branch in #Challenge
  • Request feedback on the badge

Badge Experts


Bridger Zoske


Badge awarded on 1/24/20

Stephanie Caulley


Badge awarded on 1/24/20

Badge Learners