Area Content Master Public

Team Badge List

Holders of this badge this badge have reviewed and improved Badge List sales, marketing or support content in at least one area of focus.

Required Evidence

Define Area of Focus

Briefly summarize the area of content you will be working on first. Tell us a bit about your previous experience in this area. More Info

Review Previously Generated Content

Whether you are working in social media, adwords or another content area, give a summary of the content that's already been generated. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the current approach. More Info

Develop the Strategy

Using your insights from the previous requirement tell us how you would go about improving the BL content in your area of focus. More Info

Generate New Content

Whether you are working in social media, adwords or elsewhere, spend half an hour generating new content ideas. To fulfill this requirement you may link to tweets or other media or copy paste it below. More Info

Badge Experts


Guensie Grecy


Badge awarded on 12/4/18

Quentin Guillaume


Badge awarded on 12/4/18

Badge Learners