Badge List Documentation

Types of Evidence

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated June 27, 2015 at 11:44 AM by hankish
Badge List currently supports five different types of evidence in Badge List.

Free Text

This is the most basic evidence format.  It provides learners with a large text area in which to type.  The text inputting interface supports basic formatting, headers, links and adding internet images by URL.  (There is no limit to the size of text that can be included in the body of a text based evidence box.)

Web Link

Web link evidence allows the learner to link to work they have hosted elsewhere on the web, whether it be on a personal website or blog, an efolio, inside an LMS or any other location with a URL that is not fire-walled.  The learner is presented with a simple text box in which to paste a URL.

Twitter Link

This is similar to the Web Link format since it also involves pasting a URL into a simple text box, except in this case the URL must point to a tweet.  The full text of the tweet is copied into the learner's progress log.  (Note that the tweet will remain in Badge List even if it is deleted from Twitter.)


The image format provides users with the ability to upload an image file from their computers or mobile devices.


The Code format allows learners to type computer code (such as HTML, Javascript, Python, etc.) into a syntax-aware code editor with lots of modern features (we use the wonderfully full featured open-source Ace code editor:  The code is then presented in an equally beautiful format in the learner's progress-log.

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