Silver: Enriching Student Life


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  • Last updated August 22, 2019 at 4:35 AM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
Please evidence 1)in-depth understanding of stakeholders (who? their needs? anticipated benefits?) involved in your activity/campaign/event, 2)effective collaboration with stakeholders and 3)effort to include a range of communities (BAME, LGBT+, etc.). Share TWO pieces of evidence with narratives.

All posted evidence

The events section of the committee meeting on the 30/09/19. This shows the initial idea proposed and that a range of 3rd year students would be contacted. The initial planning also included having staff set up a budget for pizza to be delivered in order to get more students to come!

eleanorg99 Almost 4 years ago

Information about the Chemsoc Summer Project Talk I organised

After undertaking a Chemistry summer project doing research in the department of Chemistry at the University of Southampton, I gained extremely valuable experience enabling me to really enhance my CV and apply for placements the following year with ease!

Acknowledging this enabled me to come up with the idea of running a talk for students in lower years about summer projects that myself and others had done. This would cover how to get one, what they are like, the benefits of doing them and then open the floor to any questions that the attendees would have!

In the ChemSoc Committee meeting, I raised my idea with the rest of the committee, especially those in lower years of study, in order to understand if this would be beneficial.
I then took down a range of names of people who had done summer projects in order to see if they would like to present a little bit about them. I ensured to gather a range of different people, not all of them on the committee and importantly: not all of them having done the same type of project! This meant that the placements discussed in the presentation would be different, engaging and from different people as well :)
eleanorg99 Almost 4 years ago

Stakeholders evidence 2

davidgoh20 Almost 4 years ago

Stakeholders evidence 1

davidgoh20 Almost 4 years ago