Sarah Swoch

3. Co-Construct and Instruct

Cue, Do, Review

  • June 29, 2018 at 1:41 PM
  • Visible to public
I used the cue, do, review sequence to introduce and complete the UO and each portion of the UO. I cued the organizer by telling the students we were going to fill in the unit organizer, that they needed to raise their hands to answer questions and then write down what we came up with on their UO. Then I asked why they thought this would be useful to them. Once we started filling it in I would tell students what the section was called, then ask them appropriate probing questions for the section. Once students offered answers to the probing questions I would prompt students to write down their answer in the box. I found asking students why that information was important was a useful exercise in helping them figure out why we were learning things and how the unit was organized within the course. It really helped students make connections between units.