Crystal Vogtsberger

6. Submit a Log


  • April 2, 2019 at 11:41 AM
  • Visible to public
In an effort to be systematic I would like to summarize my log of experiences across all sessions. 

What went well: Students appreciated seeing (not just hearing) what the lesson was going to be about.  They enjoyed seeing what lesson was coming next.  They could answer questions about previous units and make predictions about upcoming units. 

What went poorly:  I was working with students with complex emotional needs and some students also had complex cognitive needs.  It was difficult getting them to come up with questions that they would like to add or have answers.  They needed a lot of guidance to complete a Unit Organizer. 

What adjustments were made:  I had to go with the flow with my students.  They struggled to conceptualize this idea independently but when we worked on it together they answered questions and found value in it.  I had to lead most of our discussions.  

What would I do next time:  If this was my classroom, I would work on this continually and I would let the students have more practice at it so that they would become more comfortable with it.