Unit Organizer Routine (FI)

6. Submit a Log

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  • Last updated July 29, 2020 at 8:52 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Log: •What went well - Why? •What was a challenge - Why? •What you will do next time •What adjustments you made •Ideas generated for issues encountered •Etc._Post your log._*****Optional: Submit a Student Interview (interview a student about usefulness and implementation)*****
Log: What went well - Why?
What was a challenge - Why?
What you will do next time
What adjustments you made
Ideas generated for issues encountered

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The Unit Organizer tied the foundational knowledge about learning to read to the assessment tools that the district is using.

The Unit Organizer introduction provided a nice way to bridge the information from multiple training opportunities I have had with this group of special education teachers.  Previously teachers had been trained in LETRS on how the brain learns to read, phonology and phonics. The DIBELS measures assess these components and the complete organizer gave an at a glance of the big buckets of skills that we need to assess and respond to.  The organizer gave them big ideas to discuss as we made our way through modeling and practicing scoring the measures.  It helped us to not get lost in the details of the scoring rules etc. and keep our eye on the purpose of the assessment. 

They did have trouble generating the self-test questions about the organizer.  I think this was because they weren't planning to necessarily revisit the content, nor were they expected to take a test. For students, I think this would be easier if a unit test was upcoming. 
eeighmy About 5 years ago

Log Submission

During the video recording it went very well that we had our organizational routine completely mapped out.  It was really nice to be able to see the complete scope and sequence and illustrate that with both a map and words.  This allows the team to see the complete overview more clearly. 

It was a challenge to keep the conversation moving at times and at times there were uncomfortable pauses. I did realize that I did not specifically illustrate and state to the team how the items connect to the overall big idea.  

Next time we do this we will just have to write this into the script to more clearly parallel how the the items connect to the overall big idea of P2G.  I think that another item is just to become more comfortable with pauses that they are a normal part of what we are doing and happen in many situations. 

karissalookingb About 5 years ago

Log Submission

During the video recording it went very well that we had our organizational routine completely mapped out.  It was really nice to be able to see the complete scope and sequence and illustrate that with both a map and words.  This allows the team to see the complete overview more clearly. 

It was a challenge to keep the conversation moving at times and at times there were uncomfortable pauses. I did realize that I did not specifically illustrate and state to the team how the items connect to the overall big idea.  

Next time we do this we will just have to write this into the script to more clearly parallel how the the items connect to the overall big idea of P2G.  I think that another item is just to become more comfortable with pauses that they are a normal part of what we are doing and happen in many situations. 

karissalookingb About 5 years ago

Log for the Unit Organizer Routine

Google Docs

Unit Organizer Log

1st Unit Organizer - Fall of 2018: Through my working with a special education teacher in the Emotional Support classroom in the Coaching Cycle, I had suggested learning about the Unit Organizer Routine during one of our post conferences. At the next meeting I was able to bring it back up in my ...
agranata1 About 5 years ago

Suggested changes to my original post!

I presented the UO twice.  The first time, my recording stopped in the middle of the lesson!  I of course, did not know that until I went to upload the lesson!  So, I had the opportunity to present it again.  That, in itself, was a positive. I know that, although I am certainly NOT fluent in this routine, the more you do it, the better you will be, is most likely true!  This routine is a little more challenging because the numbered boxes are not all in order.  I have to remember to go up to box #4...the Bigger Picture...to make that connection.  I feel that I made the connections and asked the participants to engage during the completion of the document. The most challenging area to me is the Unit Relationships/Self Help Questions.   It might be helpful to have a list available of the various ways to look at the Unit Relationships so that participants have some examples and something to hook it to.  I am sure, that when using this on a regular basis in a class, the students would then become familiar with the types of relationships and then be better able to generate the Unit Self-test questions  Overall, the participants in both groups like the UO and could see the benefits to this tool.  
emcmanamon About 5 years ago

This is my 3rd year of implementation so it typically goes very well. I try to make improvements to my UO's before using them again.

sherri12 About 5 years ago


In an effort to be systematic I would like to summarize my log of experiences across all sessions. 

What went well: Students appreciated seeing (not just hearing) what the lesson was going to be about.  They enjoyed seeing what lesson was coming next.  They could answer questions about previous units and make predictions about upcoming units. 

What went poorly:  I was working with students with complex emotional needs and some students also had complex cognitive needs.  It was difficult getting them to come up with questions that they would like to add or have answers.  They needed a lot of guidance to complete a Unit Organizer. 

What adjustments were made:  I had to go with the flow with my students.  They struggled to conceptualize this idea independently but when we worked on it together they answered questions and found value in it.  I had to lead most of our discussions.  

What would I do next time:  If this was my classroom, I would work on this continually and I would let the students have more practice at it so that they would become more comfortable with it.  
crystal8696 About 5 years ago


coteach100 About 5 years ago

Reflection Log 2-22-19

What went well - Why?
Participants were engaged in filling out the information on the unit organizer.  They did a wonderful job looking at the unit relationships and connecting them to the content.

What was a challenge - Why?
As before, the unit relationships and questions are the most challenging in this setting with colleagues rather than with academic content with students.  I'm not sure why it's a challenge other than we're trying to look at it through two lenses - how this will help students as well as learning content ourselves.

What you will do next time?
Think of a question to add to the ones there already - again, time was a factor.  After completing the framing routine and then moving onto the Unit organizer, I felt it was taking a lot of time and we weren't going to get to all the content planned for the day. 

What adjustments you made?
To save time, I talked though some of the relationships more than having the participants talk through as much as I would have originally.
abella About 5 years ago

Unit Organizer Routine Implementation Log

My experience was with introducing the Unit Organizer and co-constructing it with a 5th grade English/reading class that included 3-4 students with disabilities.The students were exceptionally attentive with the introduction of the Unit Organizer. As we co-constructed the organizer, I was able to include all students in responding to prompts for input, and participating in completing their individual devices. The students were very receptive to using the Unit Organizer and engaged as the Expanded Map was completed in subsequent class periods. The most significant challenge I experienced was not being able to re-visit the classroom on each day a new topic in the unit was introduced, but the classroom teacher did an excellent job in completing those parts of the expanded map with the students. Additionally, the classroom configuration was such that some students had to turn around to see the screen showing my copy of the Organizer. Because I was in another teacher's classroom, I did not change the seating arrangement.
cdblev About 5 years ago

My Reflection log for my video lesson.

becky11 About 5 years ago

PA P2G Log PBSP February 26, 2019

colleen_erwin About 5 years ago