Unit Organizer Routine (FI)

2. Develop a Draft Unit Organizer

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated July 29, 2020 at 8:52 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Develop and post a draft Unit Organizer related to content that predicts the instruction of the content with a group or a class. Follow the Get Ready section to prepare the draft. Practice applying the Linking Steps to develop the draft. Post your draft.
Develop and post a draft Unit Organizer  that  predicts the instruction of the unit with a group or a class.  Follow the Get Ready section (pp. 17 - 27) to prepare the draft.  Practice applying the Linking Steps to develop the draft.

To post your draft:
Upload  using a file sharing app (such as Dropbox, Google Drive or something simpler like File Dropper)
Copy the public URL of your uploaded file to your clipboard
Paste the URL into the body of the requirements page or evidence post.  When you hit save the URL will automatically be turned into a link.
It's useful to then click on the link and make sure everything works as desired.

All posted evidence

I will be using this organizer when presenting next week.

coteach100 Over 5 years ago

UO Heron The Importance of Phonemic Awareness

mlheron Over 5 years ago

Edited Unit Organizer for Presuming Competence as per conversation with Patty 9-21-18

ebarry Over 5 years ago

Phonemes in English UO with Checklist

mlheron Over 5 years ago

Development of Phonological Skills / Heron

mlheron Over 5 years ago

Word Gen UO with Checklist / Heron

mlheron Over 5 years ago

Edited Draft Unit Organizer - corrections made in green based on feedback received 9/14/18

ebarry Over 5 years ago

Device Checklist

ebarry Over 5 years ago

Draft Unit Organizer

ebarry Over 5 years ago

Unit Organizer DRAFT

led2503 Over 5 years ago

Unit Organizer Draft Device Checklist

led2503 Over 5 years ago

Please see the attached file created by michael Lord and Jennifer Gurski at CSIU.

Google Docs

Copy of Gurski Lord Guest Teacher group Unit Organizer Draft.ppt

Gaining an understanding of basic principles of professionalism Grounded in daily routines to facilitate student learning NAME DATE The Unit Organizer BIGGER PICTURE LAST UNIT /Experience CURRENT UNIT NEXT UNIT /Experience UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS is about... UNIT RELATIONSHIPS UNIT SCHEDULE UNIT...
jgurski Over 5 years ago