Blnded Lrning 2: Synch vs Asynch (1 CTLE) Public

Peconic Teacher Center (CTLE#23138)

After completing this badge, learners will clearly understand the uses of synchronous and asynchronous instruction.

Required Evidence


After utilizing the resources above, respond and explain how Asynchronous learning can be utilized in the Blended Learning classroom. More Info

Badge Overview


1) Read the blog by Caroline Lawless at:
2) Study the Mindflash infographic at :
3) Examine some examples of Asynchronous possibilities from The University of Michigan at
4) Read the article from Schoology at

Badge Evidence

After utilizing the resources above, respond and explain how you think Asynchronous learning can be utilized effectively in the Blended Learning classroom. 

In your response please be sure to:
  • Introduce the badge and topic you are discussing. For example, “For Blended Learning 2, asynchronous learning can be utilized effectively in the Blended Learning classroom.“
  • Be sure to specifically reference each of the resources.
  • Comment on at least one other post (unless you are the first respondent on the topic.)

Badge Experts


Jodi Tenety


Badge awarded on 8/5/21

Kathryn Bernichon


Badge awarded on 3/8/22

Badge Learners