#008 Literature Review Instruction Public

2017-2018 PSJA Southwest ECHS Capstone Projects

Follow instructions in the Required Evidence Section below to provide proof in an essay explaining a Literature Review.

Required Evidence

Literature Review Instruction

MUST BE DONE INDIVIDUALLY. Provide proof that you understand the Literature Review process by submitting an APA style essay that includes a cover page, a one-page essay, and a reference page with five references. You must explain a Literature Review. More Info

FormD - Proof of Instruction/Training

Complete formD as proof of instruction for #008 Badge More Info

Badge Experts


kimberly bucio


Badge awarded on 4/13/18

Badge Learners


Reyna, Leslie


Joined badge on 12/20/17

Sergio Sepulveda, Jr.


Joined badge on 3/9/18