Advisor Director


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  • Last updated November 13, 2017 at 2:57 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
Pick and reflect on an artifact that illustrates the strategies used to be successful in the task.

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In order to prepare for this badge, I chose several games to use as team building exercises. My job for preparing consisted of thinking of games that would be both fun and team building, preparing for the games by doing any set up or getting materials ready, and leading the games while they were happening. An example of a game I came up with for the students is the line game, where you ask a preference question and have students go on either side of the line to show what they prefer. This game shows students what they have in common with each other. For the set up of this game I needed to prepare an area to walk around in and tape. Another example of a game that is good for team building is the cup stacking game, where students are separated into groups and given the task to stack cups using a rubber band. This game improves communication and competitive spirit between the students. For the set up of this game I needed to set up some table, and have cups and rubber bands with string attached to them.
sarestra407 Over 6 years ago