
Discover a hashtag

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  • Last updated July 27, 2015 at 6:23 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
Find an education-related hashtag that you have never used or explored before. Post the hashtag in the textbox and explain what the hashtag means.

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Memes about teaching and education

I find the hashtag #educationmeme Sometines we need soms humor to relax https://twitter.com/MrSummerford/status/844749202341203969?s=19
andre010 Over 3 years ago


Hashtag (#): It is a code, sign, or icon that identifies a particular message, such as category, group, person, and so on, that allows us to quickly reach messages in this group.
Turkish: Bir mesajın hangi kategori, grup, kişi gibi belirli sınıflara ait olduğunu gösteren ve bu gruptaki mesajları hızlı bir şekilde ulaşmamızı sağlayan bir kod, işaret, simge tanımlamasıdır.
mkececi Almost 7 years ago

https://twitter.com/bestpins_/status/712378588331446272 I love the ideas this teacher has!

I love the ideas this teacher has!
jamieturnage Over 7 years ago

I found #sketchnote

https://twitter.com/sylviaduckworth/status/743893891003387909 This Sketchnote by Sylvia Duckworth (queen of sketchnoting) was particularly interesting in light of this badge about using Twitter. 

I have been sketchnoting using @paper53 for a few months after a workshop with Jo Ann Fox. I did ot know there was a hashtag group. I will definitely add it to my columns in my Tweet Deck!
katdiver Almost 8 years ago

#WhyITeach impact students & passion

catherine Almost 8 years ago
Eduction Week chat hashtag--to follow posts from Education Week
ms_diaz Almost 8 years ago

#capstone is a learning model where Ss research a topic of their choice, engage with debates, and write an in-depth paper about topic

rwenner Almost 8 years ago
janaco About 8 years ago
#studentsarepeople My whole teaching philosophy is about getting to know students at a personal level and the work they will then produce.... I think it is essential for teachers to build relationships with their students. Students need to feel loved and protected before they will perform at high levels for you.
smoore About 8 years ago
#Satchat is a great example of the power of social media to improve education, and the benefit of expanding an educator's Personal Learning Network (PLN). The premise behind this Twitter chat/hashtag came about when Scott Rocco (@ScottRRocco) and I (@bcurrie5) connected on Twitter in February 2012. (http://www.edutopia.org/blog/satchat-administrators-educators-connect-brad-currie)
thattechiegirl About 8 years ago
#blendedlearning - online and in-person learning for our students.
citizensowls About 8 years ago
I just found this one today: #periscopeteachers

Would love to explore educational used of periscope and I'm excited to find other like-minded teachers.
wardjhs Over 8 years ago