Asking Questions


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  • Last updated June 22, 2017 at 2:25 PM by alec_barron
  • Evidence only visible to badge awarders
Pick and reflect on artifacts that represent your competency with "Asking Questions" like a scientist.
Grade 9
Generate questions on phenomena
  • Formulate specific questions based on examining models of phenomena.
  • Questions could generate answers that would clarify relationships between components in a system.

Grade 10
Generate testable questions
  • Asks precise, testable questions
  • Identifies dependant and independent variables if applicable
  • Describes the relationships between variables
Grade 11
Evaluate questions
  • Evaluate questions in terms of whether or not answers to the questions would provide relevant information about the targeted phenomenon in a given context.
  • Evaluations of the questions include a description of whether or not answers to the questions would be empirically testable by scientists.