Analytical Techniques 1

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  • Last updated June 21, 2017 at 10:21 AM by alec_barron
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Artifact 1: Graduated Cylinder Check

1. Measure 12.5mL of water in a graduated cylinder and record a photo of the volume at eye level.
2. Measure the mass on a table top balance to demonstrate that it weighs 12.5g.  Record a photo.
3. Explain how accurate and precise measurements are important in science or engineering research.

Artifact 2: Pipette Check

Using teacher provided solutions, prepare each of the tubes using the table below.  Match to the assessor’s standard. Take a photo of your samples next to the assessor’s standards.
Tube 1: 6.3mL Red, 1.5mL Blue, 0.25mL Green
Tube 2: 2.4mL Red, 1.08mL Blue, 0.19mL Yellow, 0.73mL Water

Artifact 3: Micropipette Check

  1. Dispense 3.5 microliters of water on a weigh boat on an analytical balance to demonstrate that it is 0.0035g. Record a photo of the balance reading.
  2. Dispense 35 microliters of water on a weigh boat on an analytical balance to demonstrate that it is 0.035g. Record a photo of the balance reading.
  3. Dispense 350 microliters of water on a weigh boat on an analytical balance to demonstrate that it is 0.35g. Record a photo of the balance reading.

Artifact 4: Analytical Instruments Test

  • Identify appropriate tool for a task.
  • Record proper volume or mass from an image of the tool.
  • Convert between units.