iPad Multimedia eBook Public

BPS Tech Learning

An iPad eBook is a downloadable, electronic file which can include digital text, hyperlinks, images, embedded audio and embedded video

Required Evidence


Create a project planning storyboard for the eBook, including an audio script and a description of media elements to be included on each page. Evidence: Take a picture or screenshot of your storyboard and share them here. More Info

Collect Media

Take photos, save web images, record and edit videos and save them to the iPad photo roll, following your storyboard. Evidence: Type "done" and submit when complete. More Info

Insert Media

Add text, images, & record audio for each eBook page, following your storyboard. Evidence: Type "done" and submit when complete. More Info

Peer Review

Ask someone else to preview & edit your finished eBook. Evidence: Type "done" and submit when complete. More Info

Export and Share

Choose a format to export and share your final eBook: - VIDEO: Save the final project as a video to the iPad Camera Roll. Upload to SeeSaw or YouTube. - EPUB: Export in EPUB format and save to a cloud storage site like Google Drive, DropBox, or the Book Creator site. Evidence: Paste the link here. More Info

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