Web Dev Map Project Lead Public

Web Dev Map Project

This badge documents the purpose and vision of the Web Dev Map Project. It is awarded to group admins.

Required Evidence

Badge Overview

About the Web Dev Map Project

Goal of the Project:  Create maps of every important knowledge area and skill set in web development.
Purpose of the Maps:  Each map should list and analyze every available learning path in order to serve as a guide for new learners and existing experts alike.

How do we map a knowledge area?

We map a knowledge area by creating a badge for it and inviting people to join the badge and share their learning stories.

Each map is a badge hosted on Badge List, used according to the following mapping process:
  1. Create a badge for a major web development topic (For example: PHP, Javascript, Web Services)
  2. Recruit topic experts to share the stories of how they learned the topic along with details and links to the specific resources they used.
  3. Collaboratively analyze the learning stories and build maps the mentioned resources by creating topic pages in the badge.
  4. Use the badge to guide new learners, inviting them to share their progress as they learn.

Badge Project Leads


Hank Holiday


Created badge on 3/24/14