Altiera Wiggins

DAP Note 1

Here is a example of my DAP note:

  • April 27, 2018 at 4:11 PM
  • Visible to public
D-  I met with my client SH on march 22nd, 2018 in her residence.  Staff had to get SH and prepared for her dental visit.  SH refused to get out of bed when asked by staff so that staff could get her showered and dressed. Staff worked on SH goal of limiting verbal aggression.  
 SH was refusing to get out of bed because she likes to sleep late. Staff knows that SH has a history of wanting to stay in and sleep but, made several attempts to get SH up. Once staff was able to get SH dressed, staff accompanied her to her dental appointment. The dental appointment was cancelled because SH was late getting there. Prior to leaving SH was having difficulty with getting in the van. SH has a bad leg and was afraid of falling despite staff being there to assist her. After coming back Staff suggested SH color because it’s something she enjoys and it relaxes her. Soon after the male clients had come back from their program and started to taunt SH.  Staff told SH if she was getting upset to go in her room. SH asked staff to take her coloring books and assist her to her room.

P-  Continue with SH on keeping verbal aggression limited.