Ashley R. Washington

DAP Note 1

DAP note from interaction with client DZ

  • April 18, 2018 at 2:50 PM
  • Visible to public
Data: Technician worked with DZ in the home for an hour. DZ was asked to choose an activity and used expressive language to select blocks. Technician controlled the number of blocks so DZ would be required to verbally mand for more. DZ reached for blocks, TSS redirected with a verbal prompt requiring DZ to mand for more blocks. DZ successfully manded. DZ was given a two-minute warning to transition to homework. With little resistance, after two minutes, DZ transitioned to working on homework with Technician and was given a consumable reinforcer. DZ completed homework which included verbally identifying numbers and writing them. After homework was completed, Technician presented a scanning activity using a puzzle. Technician prompted DZ to verbally identify (tact) objects in a puzzle piece and then find its match. DZ was able to complete the task with no redirection, so Technician faded prompts; Technician provided verbal praise throughout the activity. Technician used visual cues to encourage DZ to share with his siblings.  Gestural prompts were given to make eye contact and Technician modeled the appropriate verbalizations; DZ then exhibited receptive verbal skills and imitation skills when sharing with siblings.DZ was given a consumable reinforcer after each trial, and, although exhibited some resistance through verbal complaints, was able to engage in joint attention with Technician throughout the discrete trials.   

Assessment: DZ successfully displayed expressive and receptive language skills. DZ was able to transition to activities with little to no resistance and responded to both verbal praise and other reinforcements given. Throughout the session, DZ also displayed imitation skills.   

Plan: For the next session we will continue to work on expressive and receptive language along with functional communication.