Adriana Velez

DAP Note 1

DAP Note 1

  • April 17, 2018 at 5:58 AM
  • Visible to public
Data: Met with EW for 45 minutes. EW has Down Syndrome and does not have very good verbal skills. TSS tries to get EW to imitate words that are in the story. EW can say the color “blue” very clear. TSS also tries to teach EW some sign language skills. EW sees an ice cream toy and connects the ice cream to eating and pretends to lick the ice cream. EW was not able to make a choice of his own so TSS gave him a choice between a bug and an elephant which allowed EW to decide. EW imitated TSS counting (i.e. 1,2,3 and stop….1,2,3 bugs). TSS tried to get EW to say glue and he was then able to make the “uuue” sound with a model. EW chose to do a puzzle for an activity and was able to match puzzle pieces after shown where to put them.
Assessment: EW has his own ways of trying to communicate to work around not being able to be understood all the time. EW does have some sign language skills. EW can also connect things to real life such as licking a fake ice cream cone.
Plan: TSS will continue to work on verbal skills with EW. Using sign language is a skill that EW is picking up on. EW will work on being able to make his own choices between two objects without prompting.